Records made by Daniel Harder

Records: 99

The following is a list of the records made by Daniel Harder in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
80768Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha26 May 1994DK Harder
B Luwiika
CN Nkhoma
HH Schmidt
DK Harder B Luwiika CN Nkhoma HH Schmidt 3242 RE Gereau MO
Collections at turn out along roadside, in steep woodland and in valley bottoms with seasonal water. In Fungwe National ForestIsoka District; ca. 84 km E-SE of intersection of Mpika-Nakonde Highway (Great North Hwy.) on road to (RD72). Connecting to Muyombe (M14), In Fungwe National Forest, # 429. 0Zambia1033A3N1050

Tree, frequent, 4-5 m tall with grey-beige bark; nectaries above pulvini black; pods deep green with black hairs.

80769Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha17 Feb 1995DK Harder
B Luwiika
MM Nawa
NB Zimba
DK Harder B Luwiika MM Nawa NB Zimba 69 RE Gereau B Luwiika MO
Collecting from rock outcrop in Jirundu plains/swampSolwezi District; Jirundu National Forestry Reserve (Botanical Reserve). 95 km E of Solwezi/Mwinilunga Road, near the Kambizhi Primary School.0Zambia1125C4W1470

Tree; to 7 m; trunk and stems grey-brown; leaves compound, thin, dark green; pods thin, green.

80836Adiantum capillus-veneris05 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1856 F Toka In miombo woodland along stream (seasonal) at permanent pool. Musi-oa Tunia National Park, along road to Songwe Gorge c. 4 km SW of intersection with Zimbabwe-Livingstone Road. 1060Zambia1725D4S870

Abundant among rocks under tree, sori brown; spores brown.

80861Aframomum alboviolaceum21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2046 F Toka Collections below falls along Kaombe River in riverine forest. Rocky soils, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. 1210Zambia1330B1C1370

Frequent herb to 2.5 m; outer petals pink, upper pink; lower lip orange; anthers yellow-orange; stigma white; plant stalk 2.5 m long; leaf length 0.33 m.

80901Alchornea yambuyaƫnsis05 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2197 G McPherson MO
In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1N900

Frequent understory shrub; leaves light green; male flowers with anthers light red; buds light red; female flowers with calyx green; stigmas long and deep red.

81007Antidesma venosum16 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1886 Collections around Musande Camp in miombo woodland. Kasanka National Park, Musande Tent Camp. Along Luwombwa River, ca. 34 km W of intersection of Mansa-Serenje Road and road to Kasanka. 990Zambia1230C1C1110

Frequent dioecious shrub; females only; petioles red; young fruits tinted red, green at maturity.

81008Antidesma venosum16 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1887 Collections around Musande Camp in miombo woodland. Kasanka National Park, Musande Tent Camp. Along Luwombwa River, ca. 34 km W of intersection of Mansa-Serenje Road and road to Kasanka. 990Zambia1230C1C1110

Occasional shrub to 3 m along stream; male flowers only; pedicel red; filaments yellow.

81009Antidesma venosum16 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1888 Collections around Musande Camp in miombo woodland. Kasanka National Park, Musande Tent Camp. Along Luwombwa River, ca. 34 km W of intersection of Mansa-Serenje Road and road to Kasanka. 990Zambia1230C1C1110

Occasional slender tree to 4 m; adaxial leaf surface deep glossy green; bark greyish; females only; young fruits green, fruit eaten when ripe. Gives strength to males for reproduction.

81010Antidesma venosum05 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2202 In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1N900

Frequent tree at edge of woodland and elsewhere; leaves deep green; aril glossy above, duller and lighter below; young fruits light yellow turning red to purple when ripe; N.V. (in Tonga_ "Kamulya kamuseka"

81011Antidesma venosum13 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3098 G McPherson MO
Collections in riverine miombo forest and in surrounding miombo woodlands on sandy soils on Mwaleshi River.Mpika District; Mano Camp just outside and N of North Luangwa N.P. 910Zambia1132C1N1110

Occasional; shrub to 3 m; light grey bark; midrib and primary veins with brown hairs below; fruit light green.

81012Antidesma venosum24 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3906 G McPherson MO
Collections at falls on sites inundated with falling water and upstreamLivingstone District; Mosi-Oa-Tunia National Park, World Heritage Site. 1060Zambia1725D4S810

Occasional; tree, in wet area; dark black bark; petioles red; young fruit light green; persistent style black.

81013Antidesma venosum02 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3946 G McPherson MO
At base of Chilamalila Hill in grazed thorn scrub with large boulders and rocky soils. Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. 0Zambia1727A4S450

Tree; to 4 m; grey bark; pendulous fruit clusters; light green, to white to red fruits.

81014Antidesma venosum15 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 4033 G McPherson MO
Collection along valley bottom above Musaya stream, in Tonga (Sigongo) Reserve. Siavonga District; Zambezi Escarpment; along Malenga stream; ca. 14.4 km W of intersection of T2 (Kafue-Chirundu Road) and road to Siavonga/Kariba (MI5). 0Zambia1628B3S730

Shrub; to 5 m; along stream; leaves shiny, deep green above; lighter duller below; fruit in pendulous racemes; unripe fruit light green becoming deep red through pink.

81031Artabotrys monteiroae26 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3214 GE Schatz MO
Collections along Kabundi stream in Fungwe National Forest # 429 and in woodland. Isoka District; ca. 87 km E/SE of intersection of Mpika-Nakonde Highway (Great North Road) on road to (RD72) Muyombe connecting to Muyombe (M14), collections along Kabundi stream in Fungwe National Forest # 429 and in woodland. 0Zambia1033A3N1020

Lianescent climber; common along dry stream; stems blackish with white spores; outer inflorescence bracts deep red; fruit light green turning red.

81052Asplenium protensum21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2029 AR Smith UC
Collections below falls along Kaombe River in riverine forest. Rocky soils, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. 1210Zambia1330B1C1370

Abundant along banks; sporangia brown.

81077Bauhinia tomentosa02 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder B Luwiika HH Schmidt NB Zimba 3953 FJ Breteler WAG
At base of Chilamalila Hill in grazed thorn scrub with large boulders and rocky soils. Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. 0Zambia1727A4S450

Spreading; tree; to 8 m, frequent; at margin of wet area; stems dark brown; pods green.

81078Bauhinia tomentosa14 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder B Luwiika HH Schmidt NB Zimba 1114 FJ Breteler WAG
Mopane woodland.Gwembe District; Siavonga area, Lukwechele PFA No. 184; 8.9 km along road 502 from road junction with Lusaka Siavonga road in mopane woodland. 0Zambia1628B3S510

Tree to 3 m, spreading. Stems brown. Leaves dull green. Fruits light green.

81081Begonia princeae31 Jan 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2538 DK Harder MO
In miombo woodland once grazed. Soil silty, sand and hard-packed clay. Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba. Ca. 7 km W of Great North Road on road to Wardy Farm, collections on farm between farm house and Wangwe (sp?) River at western edge of property. 0Zambia1528C3C1140

Occasional; herb; from brown, fissured tuber; on flanks of termite mounds; leaves very pale green above; petioles faintly pink; petals and young fruits pink.

81082Begonia princeae05 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2601 DK Harder MO
Collections from within disturbed and undisturbed forest habitat. Mwekera Forest College; (Mwekera) Botanical Reserve; ca. 0.25 km NE of Mwekera Dam/Reservoir; near bee house. 0Zambia1228C4W1320

Frequent; herb on shaded side of termite mounds; stems, petioles, pedicels and petals pink; anthers yellow, stigma yellow; immature fruits green.

81161Brachycorythis friesii09 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2251 PJ Cribb K
Collections on both sides of road in dambo and among rocks on upper slope. Mporokoso District; along Mporokoso-Kasama Road, 59.9 km ESE of intersection of Mporokoso-Nsama-Kasama Roads N of Mporokoso. At bridge over Kasanshi River. 0Zambia0930A1 N1470

Locally frequent but not widespread herb from rhizome; leaves and bracts green; outer tepals light purple; labellum light purple spotted with deeper spots; upper petals light purple; rostellum darker purple.

81209Bulbophyllum cochleatum26 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2837 IF La Croix K
Collections in forest below Zambezi source and from within recently burned woodland area. Ikelenge District; Zambezi Source National Heritage Site; 18.0 km S of Ikelenge then 4.8 km E on access road from Ikelenge-Mwinilunga Rd. Collections in forest below Zambezi source and from within recently burned woodland area. 1140Zambia1124A4 W1500

Widespread; but rarely flowering; on moss-covered trunks; stems light green with darker purple spots; flowers oriented laterally; "upper" petals deep maroon; "lower" lighter; rostellum dark red-purple.

81236Calyptrochilum christyanum20 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2020 PJ Cribb K
Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soil, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona.1210Zambia1330B1 C1590

Frequent herb among rocks above falls; petals creamy white, yellow at base; rostellum yellow.

81251Cassytha filiformis13 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3113 T Deroin Collections in riverine miombo forest and in surrounding miombo woodlands on sandy soils on Mwaleshi River.Mpika District; Mano Camp just outside and N of North Luangwa N.P. 910Zambia1132C1N1110

Twining and scrambling up shrubs and grasses; common; calyx light yellow; petals creamy-white; young fruits green turning clear white; yellow tinge to older parts.

81384Citrullus lanatus28 Feb 1996DK Harder
DK Harder 3624 Collections from S side of road in boggy grass plain of white sand at edge, central wet, bog area and surrounding woodland. Kaoma District; ca. 22.4 km W of Kaoma turnoff on Lusaka-Mongu Road. 0Zambia1424D3B1080

Rare; in pan near water; leaves and stems light green; fruit streaked like a watermelon with darker green patterning.

81387Clausena anisata19 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1964 RE Gereau MO
Collections in mixed Syzygium and Ficus forest. Kasanka National Park; near Fibwe Hide; in mushitu (swamp forest) ca. 0.5 km N of car park at Hide. 990Zambia1230C2C1170

Rare understory tree to 3 m; young fruit white to light green turning slightly red to purple; "citrusy" aroma of fruits and twigs.

81421Coccinia adoensis05 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2584 S Bodine MO
Collections in woodland and grassland around mouth of cave and on adjacent rocky hillside. Lusaka District; Shimabala Cave, National Heritage Site; ca. 1 km N of Kafue Road near Chilanga Cement housing; ca. 10 km S of Chilanga and 23 km S of Lusaka. 1430Zambia1528C1C1200

Occasional; vine on short shrubs; fruit green at base with black spots; as fruit matures, turns yellow then orange as it disintegrates and exposes seeds in red-orange flesh.

81535Crabbea velutina24 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3912 KB Vollesen K
Collections at falls on sites inundated with falling water and upstreamLivingstone District; Mosi-Oa-Tunia National Park, World Heritage Site. 1060Zambia1725D4S810

Occasional; in both wet and dry sites; scrambling; young herbaceous stems red; inflorescence bracts spiny and light green.

81536Crabbea velutina15 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 4057 KB Vollesen K
Collection along valley bottom above Musaya stream, in Tonga (Sigongo) Reserve. Siavonga District; Zambezi Escarpment; along Malenga stream; ca. 14.4 km W of intersection of T2 (Kafue-Chirundu Road) and road to Siavonga/Kariba (MI5). 0Zambia1628B3S730

Early woody; spreading on ground; woody stems brown to black; bracts light green with purple; in bud only; corolla white (?).

81578Cribbia brachyceras26 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2836 IF La Croix K
Collections in forest below Zambezi source and from within recently burned woodland area. Ikelenge District; Zambezi Source National Heritage Site; 18.0 km S of Ikelenge then 4.8 km E on access road from Ikelenge-Mwinilunga Rd. Collections in forest below Zambezi source and from within recently burned woodland area. 1140Zambia1124A4 W1500

Widespread; on tree trunks; tepals light green; thickly scented.

81719Cucumis hirsutus23 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2105 MC Merello MO
Collections around Kundalila Falls; below falls, in rocky soils and quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona. 1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Rare in woodland; male flowers only; calyx green; corolla light yellow; anthers yellow.

81848Diaphananthe fragrantissima02 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3031 DK Harder MO
Ndola Rural District; road between St. Anthony's Mission and the Kafue River.0Zambia W1170

Frequent in closed miombo on Brachystegia. All floral parts translucent yellow-white, dark spot at tip of rostellum; musky-sweet fragrance.

81988Disperis anthoceros18 Feb 1996DK Harder
DK Harder 3479 DK Harder MO
Collections in remnant forest, along cultivations on limestone and quartz outcrops. Lusaka District; Nachitete: along Kafue Powerline; 8.5 km S along Chifwema Road; then 5 km E along Kafue Powerline Road, S-SE of Lusaka. 0Zambia1528C2 C0

Rare; in woodland; from tuber; corolla all white outside, slight purple tinge inside; stems with light purple spots.

81995Dissotis hensii26 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2817 RE Gereau MO
Collections in riverine forest above source and in surrounding woodland of Uapaca, Aframomum; Pteridium. Ikelenge District; Zambezi Source National Heritage Site; 18.0 km S of Ikelenge then 4.8 km E on access road from Ikelenge-Mwinilunga Rd. 1140Zambia1124A4W1500

Occasional; shrub; to 2m; stems light grey; petioles and major veins of leaf red; calyx green at base, red on lobes; petals pink, deeper red at base; filaments light green; upper anthers: yellow; lower: pink with darker pink filaments; calyx with red-based hairs.

81996Dissotis hensii26 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2830 RE Gereau MO
Collections in riverine forest above source and in surrounding woodland of Uapaca, Aframomum; Pteridium. Ikelenge District; Zambezi Source National Heritage Site; 18.0 km S of Ikelenge then 4.8 km E on access road from Ikelenge-Mwinilunga Rd. 1140Zambia1124A4W1500

Shrub; 2 m tall at edge of woodland and forest; petioles red on upper surfaces; bracts and calyx green at base; red on lobes; petals light purple; upper anthers yellow, lower pink; capsules red.

82001Dolichos kilimandscharicus subsp. kilimandscharicus01 Dec 1993DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
DK Harder MC Merello CN Nkhoma 71 DK Harder MO
Miombo woodland in hilly topography. Mbala District; 24 km west of Mbala along Mbala-Mpulungu Road to Power Station Road (D549). By stream 3 km along road D549. 0Zambia0831C3N1320

Locally common plant with yellow-green pods turning brown-purple; stem purple.

82002Dolichos kilimandscharicus subsp. kilimandscharicus01 Dec 1993DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
DK Harder MC Merello CN Nkhoma 104 DK Harder MO
Open woodlandMbala District; 24 km west of Mbala along Mbala-Mpulungu Road to Power Station Road (D549). Open woodlands between 22.6-25.6 km along D549 becoming road RD2. 0Zambia0831C3N1740

Common plant with stem green to purple. Inflorescence light yellow with purple streaks. Wings almost completely purple.

82006Dolichos pseudocajanus27 Feb 1995DK Harder
B Luwiika
MM Nawa
NB Zimba
DK Harder B Luwiika MM Nawa NB Zimba 651 DK Harder MO
In rocky habitatMwinilunga District; Ikelenge; Milomba Hill, 12 km from turnoff of the Kalene Hill Road located 12.6 km from Ikelenge. 0Zambia1124A1W1440

Shrub; to 0.4 m; common; amongst grasses on hill; stem green, hairy; leaves green; flowers with light yellow and light blue wings.

82007Dolichos sericeus subsp. sericeus14 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder B Luwiika HH Schmidt NB Zimba 1129 B Mackinder K
Mopane woodland.Gwembe District; Siavonga area, Lukwechele PFA No. 184; 8.9 km along road 502 from road junction with Lusaka Siavonga road in mopane woodland. 0Zambia1628B3S510

Occasional among grasses. Stems pale, climbing on small tree. Leaves deep green. Flowers cream to light blue. Fruits pale green.

82012Dolichos trinervatus19 Mar 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2896 B Mackinder K
Collections at small depression along roadside, dense soil with quartz rocksLusaka District; Nachitete River Road, ca. 15 km along access road for ZESCO powerline. 0Zambia1528C2C1290

Occasional; from large, fleshy root; white flesh; upper stem red; pods light yellow-green with darker green edges.

82013Dolichos trinervatus11 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder B Luwiika HH Schmidt NB Zimba 2487 B Mackinder K
In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000ZambiaS1200

Herb; 1.5 m, erect. Stems yellow-green. Leaves with prominent white veins on underside. Young fruits pale green, pubescent on hillside, grassy area, occasional.

82014Dolichos trinervatus11 Feb 1995DK Harder
B Luwiika
MM Nawa
NB Zimba
DK Harder B Luwiika MM Nawa NB Zimba 2666 B Mackinder K
Collections along Kifubwa River in forest and on shallow soils in woodland. Kifubwa (Chifubwa) Gorge National Monument. Ca. 4.6 km along Kyalalankuba Rd. south of Solwezi and ca. 2 km S of entrance to Solwezi Teacher Training College. National Heritage Site. 0Zambia1226A2W1230

Rare; perennial; in shady area; from woody root (?); calyx light green; back of stamens light green-pink; front of standard bright pink, deeper medially; wings pink, keel light green-pink; pods pale green, edged in deeper green.

82120Entada abyssinica25 Nov 1993DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
DK Harder MC Merello CN Nkhoma 2144 RE Gereau MO
On rocks and in surrounding miombo woodland; rocky soils, Uapaca woodland.Chinsali District; Shiwa Ng'andu, Mansha River. Collections at Chusa Falls. 1170Zambia1131B1N1470

Tree 10 m; rough, grey bark, thornless; calyx light green; filaments white; anthers light yellow; inflorescence turning orange then brown.

82121Entada abyssinica27 Nov 1993DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
DK Harder MC Merello CN Nkhoma 15 RE Gereau MO
Chishimba Falls picnic and camping areaChishimba Falls. Ca 32 km northwest of Kasama at Chishimba Falls picnic and camping area. 13 km from intersection of roads M3 and D20 on road D20 and 2 km south/southwest on access road to power station. 2010Zambia1030B2N1380

Tree 5-6 m with sweet flower scent; white filaments with yellow anthers ageing to yellow flowers.

82176Eriocoelum lawtonii17 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3178 MC Merello MO
Collection along river, among rocks, in mushitu and in miombo woodland. Chinsali District; Chipomo Falls National Monument, along Chimanabuwi River. 0Zambia1132C2N1310

Tree to 10 m or more in mushitu; frequent; leaves deep green above, lighter, duller below; young shoots and inflorescence stalks with brown hairs; petals white, calyx light green with brown hairs; filaments with red anthers; fruit with brown hairs, tinged with red.

82187Eriosema psoraleoides08 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder B Luwiika HH Schmidt NB Zimba 1044 B Mackinder VR Clark K
Undifferentiated Miombo-Combretum woodland. Brown Kalahari sands. Choma District; 40.9 km from Choma along Choma-Namwala Road. 0Zambia1626B4S1120

Shrub to 2 m, common on river basin. Leaves deep green, appearing light brown on underside. Stems light brown. Flowers bright yellow. Calyx green.

82230Eulophia angolensis19 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1974 PJ Cribb K
Mushitu dominated by Syzygium, marshes and open waterKasanka National Park; Kalamafiala Forest. 990Zambia1230C1 C1170

Rare among sedges and Typha, 1 m tall; from fleshy rhizome; inflorescence stalk green and speckled deeper purple-red; pedicel green with red spots; outer petals maroon; upper 2 petals light yellow; labellum yellow with red, central platform with deep yellow; rostellulm light yellow-green tipped in maroon.

82232Eulophia cucullata21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2060 PJ Cribb K
Collections in grasslands along stream. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area ca. 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona. 1210Zambia1330B1 C1570

Rare herb in woodland, from rhizome; lower petals green with purple color at base, becoming brown and dried in older flowers; upper petals pink outside, white at base and inside; labellum white with yellow on shallow spur outside, purple at platform with dark purple-maroon at ridges; ridges yellow; rostellum white.

82234Eulophia livingstoneana21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2050 PJ Cribb K
Collections in grasslands along stream. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area ca. 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona. 1210Zambia1330B1 C1570

Rare in woodland from flattened rhizome; inflorescence stalk speckled purple; outer petals pink-purple; upper petal pink-purple; labellum deep purple with greenish flanks; rostellum dark purple; stigma green.

82238Eulophia streptopetala21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2025 PJ Cribb K
Collections below falls along Kaombe River in riverine forest. Rocky soils, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. 1210Zambia1330B1 C1370

Frequent along banks of river and spreading up slopes; pseudo bulbs and root with velamen; pedicel maroon; outer petals green-yellow spotted purple-maroon; 2 upper petals yellow outside, white inside; labellum yellow outside; spur maroon; platform yellow, maroon in throat; pollinia orange.

82311Ficus sur23 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2102 C Berg Collections around Kundalila Falls; below falls, in rocky soils and quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona. 1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Dwarf, stunted tree in stream bed on rock; petioles yellow; latex white when cut; infructescences from base of plant; fruits green with irregular lighter spots.

82312Ficus sur10 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3079 C Berg In primary degraded Brachystegia, Protea, Uapaca woodlands along streamMpika District; ca. 11.8 km NE of Umpamadzi school and village on road built by geologist Phillips. 0Zambia1231C3N1410

Occasional, tree to 2 m, 5 cm dbh, in rock crevice; bark grey-brown; smooth; cortical and phloem latex white; fruit green with lighter, irregular spots. Young leaves rusty-red brown.

82319Ficus trichopoda19 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1957 C Berg Collections in mixed Syzygium and Ficus forest. Kasanka National Park; near Fibwe Hide; in mushitu (swamp forest) ca. 0.5 km N of car park at Hide. 990Zambia1230C2C1170

Frequent tree to 16 m; co-dominant with Syzigum in ths mushitu, latex white, syconium green becoming orange with maturity. N.V. "umutombolio"

82320Ficus trichopoda05 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2207 C Berg In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1N900

Tree to 12 m; leaves glossy above, duller, lighter below; syconium green turning yellow when mature.

82398Globimetula mweroensis31 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3283 RM Polhill K
Mpika District; Nachikufu Cave National Monument, ca. 2 km N of Mpika-Serenje Road; ca. 62.4 km W-SW of Mpika; near Koloswe village and school. 0Zambia1231A1N1590

Occasional, parasite on Brachystegia, near rocky outcrops; calyx light green; corolla tube bright red; lobes turning deep purple.

82440Habenaria filicornis09 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2274 PJ Cribb K
Collections in dambo on both sides of road. Mporokoso District; along Mporokoso-Kasama Road, 63.6 km ESE of intersection of Mporokoso-Nsama-Kasama Roads N of Mporokoso. At bridge over Kasoka River. 0Zambia0930D1 N1400

Occasional among grasses; lowest leaf white with black nerves; all tepals green; rostellum white.

82453Harungana madagascariensis26 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2788 RE Gereau MO
Collections in riverine forest above source and in surrounding woodland of Uapaca, Aframomum; Pteridium. Ikelenge District; Zambezi Source National Heritage Site; 18.0 km S of Ikelenge then 4.8 km E on access road from Ikelenge-Mwinilunga Rd. 1140Zambia1124A4W1500

Occasional; in woodland; to 2.5 m; abaxial leaf surfaces brown; in bud only; inflorescence with red-brown hairs.

82454Harungana madagascariensis17 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3181 MC Merello MO
Collection along river, among rocks, in mushitu and in miombo woodland. Chinsali District; Chipomo Falls National Monument, along Chimanabuwi River. 0Zambia1132C2N1310

Occasional shrub to 2.5 m; on sand; young stem, petiole, midrib, peduncles and minor veins with brown hairs; young fruit light green.

82489Hibiscus calyphyllus02 Mar 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2855 P Fryxell Mwinilunga District; Kyula village, ca. 26 km N of Zambezi River Bridge on Kalene-Salujinga Road; 5 km N of Salujinga. 0Zambia1024C3W1230

Trailing; on flanks of termite mound; runners to 2.5 m; stems coarse; calyx green; corolla bright yellow on lobes, deep red-purple at base; anthers yellow-orange.

82490Hibiscus calyphyllus25 Feb 1996DK Harder
DK Harder 3519 P Fryxell With limestone rocks and shallow soils. Lusaka District; Lusaka East; Kanyanja; Kafue Powerline Road; S ca. 5 km; then W ca. 2 km to area of old military camp houses. 0Zambia1528C2C1350

Locally abundant; upright; shrub to 0.75 m; in shade around termite mound with abandoned iron furnaces; calyx light green; petals light yellow with deep red spots at base; staminal column orange-yellow; style pink-yellow; stigma red.

82491Hibiscus calyphyllus06 Mar 1996DK Harder
DK Harder 3647 P Fryxell In Baikiaea forest with Baphia; somewhat disturbed. Sesheke District; Nanga National Forest; ca. 29 km NW of Mulobezi Boma and 17.5 km N of intersection of Sesheke Road and Schili Roads. 0Zambia1625C1B900

Widespread; annual to 1 m; multi-trunked; calyx light green; petals bright yellow with deep red spots at base; anthers light orange; stigma red.

82665Jasminum dichotomum17 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1926 MC Merello MO
On sandy soils in seasonally inundated flood plain. Collections in riverine forest. Kasanka National Park, along Musande River near confluence of Musande and Luwombwa Rivers.990Zambia1230C1C1170

Occasional liana; leaves light green; young fruit light green, turning dark purple-black when ripe.

82722Landolphia kirkii16 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1910 AJM Leeuwenberg WAG
Collections in small mushitu forest and mixed miombo with large termite mounds. Kasanka National Park, ca. 1 km E of Musande Tent Camp.990Zambia1230C1C1260

Occasional lianescent shrub; leaves light green; calyx green; corolla in bud yellow, white when open; young fruits light green; latex white. N.V. "umumubungo"

82723Landolphia kirkii21 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2746 DK Harder MO
Collections in woodland and in dambo at source of small stream. Mwinilunga District; ca. 15.8 km N/NE of Luawu Mission on Luwawu-Ikelenge Road at village Ipeba.0Zambia1124C1W1410

Occasional; in woodland; stem latex white; upper stems with brown hairs; fruit light green to light yellow with brown spots.

82724Landolphia parvifolia07 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3072 AJM Leeuwenberg WAG
Collections along banks of river and in surrounding woodland. Serenje District; along Chisomo-Serenje Road, ca. 41.2 km from Chisomo Village, at bridge over Fukwe River. 0Zambia1330C2C1110

Occasional shrub on shallow soil or rocks; leaves shiny green; stems with white lenticels; latex white; fruit light green, spotted irregularly in dark brown and becoming yellow when ripe.

82725Landolphia parvifolia09 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 4001 AJM Leeuwenberg WAG
Collections on rocky hills of broken quartz in disturbed miombo. Choma District; 45 km N along Namwala-Choma Roads from intersection of Choma-Namwala and Choma-Lusaka Roads, then W (ca. 1.2 km N of Ngonga stream) 2.4 km on road to Macha Mission (Sikweshina) in Mulundeka Hills. 0Zambia1626B4S1230

Rare; lianescent shrub, among grasses climbing with aid of clasping branch tendrils; cortical and phloem latex milky white, sticky; stems brown with light grey lenticels; calyx green edged in brown; corolla creamy white.

82857Maprounea africana25 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2131 G McPherson MO
On rocks and in surrounding miombo woodland; rocky soils, Uapaca woodland.Chinsali District; Shiwa Ng'andu, Mansha River. Collections at Chusa Falls. 1170Zambia1131B1N1470

Occasional tree to 4 m among rocks; petioles red; young fruit light yellow-green with red.

82860Margaritaria discoidea var. triplosphaera05 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2613 G McPherson MO
Collections from within disturbed and undisturbed forest habitat. Mwekera Forest College; (Mwekera) Botanical Reserve; ca. 0.25 km NE of Mwekera Dam/Reservoir; near bee house. 0Zambia1228C4W1320

Occasional; shrub to 2 m; stems brown to red-brown; immature fruits green.

82865Markhamia obtusifolia18 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1943 MC Merello MO
In seasonally inundated area on deep alluvial soils.Kasanka National Park, Luwombwa River. 990Zambia1230C1C1170

Occasional small tree in small groupings; light brown-gold pubescence over all plant parts; weakly-wooded; calyx light yellow-green; corolla yellow with deep red stripes on lobes and in throat.

82968Mukia maderaspatana07 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3058 MO
Collections along banks of river and in surrounding woodland. Serenje District; along Chisomo-Serenje Road, ca. 41.2 km from Chisomo Village, at bridge over Fukwe River. 0Zambia1330C2C1110

Rare twining in grasses; male and female flowers similar, pollen in anthers bright yellow; stigma green; young fruit striped in longitudinal, darker green stripes.

82969Mukia maderaspatana26 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3243 MO
Collections at turn out along roadside, in steep woodland and in valley bottoms with seasonal water.Isoka District; ca. 84 km E-SE of intersection of Mpika-Nakonde Highway (Great North Hwy.) on road to (RD72). Connecting to Muyombe (M14), in Fungwe National Forest, # 429. 0Zambia1033A3N1050

Large spreading vine; rough stems; female flowers only; calyx green; petals yellow; fruit in nodal clusters, dark green with longitudinal light green lines and markings.

83015Nuxia oppositifolia05 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1855 MC Merello G McPherson MO
In miombo woodland along stream (seasonal) at permanent pool. Musi-oa Tunia National Park, along road to Songwe Gorge ca. 4 km SW of intersection with Zimbabwe-Livingstone Road. 1060Zambia1725D4S870

Occasional herb at edge of pond among rocks, weakly woody; calyx green; petals white; filaments and anthers white.

83022Ochna arenaria25 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2157 RE Gereau MO
On rocks and in surrounding miombo woodland; rocky soils, Uapaca woodland.Chinsali District; Shiwa Ng'andu, Mansha River. Collections at Chusa Falls. 1170Zambia1131B1N1470

Occasional suffrutex in rocky area; new leaves light red; calyx red-pink; petals pink-white; anthers white; stigma pink; young ovary pink.

83034Ochna schweinfurthiana16 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1912 RE Gereau MO
Collections in small mushitu forest and mixed miombo with large termite mounds. Kasanka National Park, ca. 1 km E of Musande Tent Camp.990Zambia1230C1C1260

Occasional weak wooded tree to 5 m; (in fruit only); calyx lobes yellow; young fruit light green and balck when mature.

83035Ochna schweinfurthiana25 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2128 RE Gereau MO
On rocks and in surrounding miombo woodland; rocky soils, Uapaca woodland.Chinsali District; Shiwa Ng'andu, Mansha River. Collections at Chusa Falls. 1170Zambia1131B1N1470

Tree to 8 m; leaves light green; midribs yellow-white; calyx yellow to brown; young fruits light green. N.V. "munau"

83056Oldfieldia dactylophylla11 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2640 G McPherson MO
Collections along Kifubwa River in forest and on shallow soils in woodland. Kifubwa (Chifubwa) Gorge National Monument. Ca. 4.6 km along Kyalalankuba Rd. south of Solwezi and ca. 2 km S of entrance to Solwezi Teacher Training College. National Heritage Site. 0Zambia1226A2W1230

Rare; tree; to 8 m with large load of lichens; weak-wooded; abaxial leaf surfaces light tan with darker hairs, especially at petiole base; fruit light green with brown hairs, darker along ridge.

83249Phragmanthera cornetii17 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3207 RM Polhill K
Collection along river, among rocks, in mushitu and in miombo woodland. Chinsali District; Chipomo Falls National Monument, along Chimanabuwi River. 0Zambia1132C2N1310

Parasite, occasional on Acacia; in bud only; outer calyx and corolla tube rusty brown.

83350Psorospermum febrifugum31 Oct 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1845 MC Merello G McPherson MO
Collections along road and stream in degraded and interplanted woodland.Lusaka: Yielding Tree Farm, ca. 12 km W of Lusaka on Mungwi Road Farmlands N of road. 0Zambia1528A3C1200

Frequent shrub to 3 m, underside of leaves, twigs and outer calyx lobes covered with brownish hairs; corolla lobes whitish, fuzzy; nectaries at base of petals bright orange; anthers yellow; young fruits red with deeper red spots.

83351Psorospermum febrifugum18 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1941 MC Merello MO
In seasonally inundated area on deep alluvial soils.Kasanka National Park, Luwombwa River. 990Zambia1230C1C1170

Common tree to shrub; red-golden hairs on shoots; calyx light green-red; petals white outside with minute stripes outside, furry inside; fruit bright red.

83352Psorospermum febrifugum29 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2176 Collections along road to Kalombo Falls. Ridgetop miombo woodland with large boulders and sandy soils.Mbala District; Lungu Protected Forest Area. 1250Zambia0831C1N1560

Frequent shrub to small tree; leaves dull green; vegetative parts sometimes with brown pubescence; calyx green; fruit red.

83427Rauvolfia caffra19 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1967 AJM Leeuwenberg WAG
In riverine forest. Kasanka National Park, at pontoon crossing over Kasanka River.990Zambia1230C1C1170

Tree along river banks, 13 m tall; fruits green; latex white.

83549Satyrium breve09 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2244 PJ Cribb K
At bridge over Katutwa River, in dambo on both sides of the road. Deep black soils. Mporokoso District; along Mporokoso-Kasama Road, 33.5 km ESE of intersection of Mporokoso-Nsama-Kasama Roads N of Mporokoso. 0Zambia0930A4 N1470

Rare widely scattered herb; root not recovered; leaves light green; stems light yellow-green; inflorescence bracts light green with light pink edges and midrib below; upper tepals fused, light pink out and in with dark pink lobe and streaks inside; lower petals darker pink inside.

83550Satyrium trinerve20 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1999 PJ Cribb K
Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soil, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona.1210Zambia1330B1 C1590

Rare in marshy area; bracts tipped in white; upper petals white; labellum yellow, from rhizome; fruits green; flowers becoming brown after pollination.

83551Satyrium trinerve09 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2236 PJ Cribb K
At bridge over Katutwa River, in dambo on both sides of the road. Deep black soils. Mporokoso District; along Mporokoso-Kasama Road, 33.5 km ESE of intersection of Mporokoso-Nsama-Kasama Roads N of Mporokoso. 0Zambia0930A4 N1470

Frequent in the wettest spots; stalk white; leaves light green; all petals white; subtending bract white with green base; labellum petal white on lobes, yellow in center; rostellum yellow, from fleshy root.

83442Searsia kirkii07 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3063 RE Gereau MO
Collections along banks of river and in surrounding woodland. Serenje District; along Chisomo-Serenje Road, ca. 41.2 km from Chisomo Village, at bridge over Fukwe River. 0Zambia1330C2C1110

Occasional among rocks on shallow soils; upper leaf surfaces bright green; lower surfaces densely pubescent; young fruits green with 3 small black dots.

83652Sesamum angolense29 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3259 H-D Ihlenfeldt In seasonal marsh/grassland with drier raised areas with miombo woodlands. Used for dry season pasture. Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. 0Zambia0932D3N1200

Frequent and widespread; leaves deep green; pungent odor; extrafloral nectaries light green, sometimes purple; calyx deep green at base, lighter on lobes; corolla light purple with deeper purple; deeper purple inside throat.

83795Strophanthus gardeniiflorus16 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1883 AJM Leeuwenberg WAG
Collections around Musande Camp in miombo woodland. Kasanka National Park, Musande Tent Camp. Along Luwombwa River, ca. 34 km W of intersection of Mansa-Serenje Road and road to Kasanka. 990Zambia1230C1C1110

Rare shrub to 3 m; calyx light green at base; lobes light pink; corolla tube light green, tinged pink; lobes white, tinged pink outside; lobes white inside; filaments white; stigma white. Sweetly fragrant.

83800Strophanthus welwitschii25 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2136 AJM Leeuwenberg WAG
On rocks and in surrounding miombo woodland; rocky soils, Uapaca woodland.Chinsali District; Shiwa Ng'andu, Mansha River. Collections at Chusa Falls. 1170Zambia1131B1N1470

Frequent lianescent shrub in woodland; older stems grey, younger brown, both with lighter lenticels; pedicel purple; calyx purple at base, light green on lobes; corolla tube white outside; lobes pink, purple and white; processes purple-pink; throat longitudinally purple and white stripes.

83801Strophanthus welwitschii17 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3163 AJM Leeuwenberg WAG
Collection along river, among rocks, in mushitu and in miombo woodland. Chinsali District; Chipomo Falls National Monument, along Chimanabuwi River. 0Zambia1132C2N1310

Widespread and frequent; in fruit rarely and only; leaves dull green above, white beneath; fruit in pairs; usually dark brown-black, with white spots; latex white.

83818Strychnos pungens26 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2789 AJM Leeuwenberg WAG
Collections in riverine forest above source and in surrounding woodland of Uapaca, Aframomum; Pteridium. Ikelenge District; Zambezi Source National Heritage Site; 18.0 km S of Ikelenge then 4.8 km E on access road from Ikelenge-Mwinilunga Rd. 1140Zambia1124A4W1500

Frequent; tree to 9 m in woodland; adaxial leaf surfaces deep green; abaxial: lighter, duller; fruit to 8 cm diameter; light green.

83845Tabernaemontana pachysiphon21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2024 AJM Leeuwenberg WAG
Collections below falls along Kaombe River in riverine forest. Rocky soils, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. 1210Zambia1330B1C1370

Occasional tree 8 m tall with 15 m wide canopy; stems deep green; pedicels lighter green with darker green spots; calyx light green; corolla tube light greenish white; lobes white on inside, yellow in throat; latex white.

83968Thonningia sanguinea21 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2723 MC Merello MO
In degraded miombo on sand with Brachystegia, Hymenocardia, Aframomum. Mwinilunga District; ca. 6.3 km N/NE of Luawu Mission on road to Luano. 0Zambia1124C1W1290

Occasional; parasitic; from scaly rhizome; fleshy cortex yellow; upper scales red-pink.

84023Trichocladus ellipticus subsp. malosanus21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2043 G McPherson MO
Collections below falls along Kaombe River in riverine forest. Rocky soils, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. 1210Zambia1330B1C1370

Weak-wooded small tree to 3 m; male flowers light yellow; female flowers green with white papillae; upper leaf surface dark green, lower yellow-golden.

84036Tridactyle bicaudata09 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 4015 PJ Cribb K
Collection between rocky hills and stream bed on crumbly quartz soils in disturbed miombo. Choma District; ca. 45 km N along Namwala-Choma Road from intersection of Choma-Namwala and Choma-Lusaka Roads intersection; then W (ca. 1.2 km N of Ngonga stream) then 12.4 km W-NW on road to Macha Mission (Sikweshina) in Mulundeka hills. 0Zambia1626B4 S1260

Occasional; on Brachystegia, 8 m up on lateral branches; erect; leaf sheaths dull yellow, leaves green; nectary spur green; petals all orange-yellow with lighter yellow rostellum [Living Collection also at MO].

84037Tridactyle tridentata25 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2119 PJ Cribb K
On rocks and in surrounding miombo woodland; rocky soils, Uapaca woodland.Chinsali District; Shiwa Ng'andu, Mansha River. Collections at Chusa Falls. 1170Zambia1131B1 N1470

Rare on tree branch; all petals light orange-brown; pollinia yellow.

84097Uvaria angolensis05 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2622 GE Schatz MO
Collections from within disturbed and undisturbed forest habitat. Mwekera Forest College; (Mwekera) Botanical Reserve; ca. 0.25 km NE of Mwekera Dam/Reservoir; near bee house. 0Zambia1228C4W1320

Rare; lianescent shrub in disturbed woodland; vegetative parts with red-brown hairs; tepals orange-yellow; buds dark brown.

83881Vangueria discolor28 Feb 1996DK Harder
DK Harder 3566 D Bridson K
Collections in degraded miombo woodland on Kalahari sand. Kaoma District; ca. 6.4 km NE of Kaoma on Kaoma-Kasempa Road 2 km S of Kalamba village.0Zambia1424D2B1200

Suffrutex; stems dark green with black spots; leaves pale green below; fruit green, becoming orange.

84184Wahlenbergia abyssinica20 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2001 MC Merello MO
Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soil, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona.1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Suffrutex in recently burned area; petals reddish purple; style purple; petals turn from red-purple to yellow; capsule longitudinally striped.

84186Wahlenbergia capitata21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2082 RD Noyes MO
Collections in grasslands along stream. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area ca. 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona. 1210Zambia1330B1C1570

Occasional among rocks; stems purplish from slightly bulbous taproot; bristly hairs on all parts; calyx green; corolla tube white outside, blue on lobes inside; anthers white; style and stigma purple.

84187Wahlenbergia capitata07 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3057 MC Merello MO
Brachystegia miombo on broken quartz soil. Serenje District; 16 km N of Chisomo Village on Chisomo-Serenje Road. 0Zambia1330D1C960

Frequent herb to 0.5 m; calyx green; petals white at base, blue on lobes; style white at base, blue at tip; extruded pollen yellow.


Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Records made by Daniel Harder., retrieved 18 October 2024

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