Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) Roem. & Schult.
subsp. forskaolii

QDS maps by: Google Maps Point records by Google Maps

All records: View Democratic Republic of Congo records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
12486303 Mar 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
MA Hyde
WoodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1494-17.84874831.0967647
123243015 Oct 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
T Alegria
Regenerating miombo woodlandStapleford Farm, Harare0Zimbabwe1730D2 C1481-17.72516530.8745437
11658806 Apr 2022MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Brachystegia boehmii miombo woodlandUmfurudzi Game Park, walk from chalet no. 42300Zimbabwe1731B2 N806-17.09462331.7629787
11259036 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman

Miombo woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N980Growing in miombo woodland in sandy loam soils -8.65762030.3897106
101444021 Apr 2019MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Rocky, sandy miombo woodlandNorth of Prince Edward Dam490Zimbabwe1731C3 C1426-17.98282831.0855747
101492121 Apr 2019MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
Rocky, sandy miombo woodlandNorth of Prince Edward Dam490Zimbabwe1731C3 C1423-17.98365131.0852307
98221123 Aug 2018BT Wursten
G Brown
BT Wursten
Rocky margin of woodland and riverine fringeLilongwe Wildlife Sanctuary, Lilongwe2090Malawi1333D4 C1042-13.96547033.7822205
97697114 Aug 2018BT Wursten
A Iqbal
M Siska
BT Wursten
In forest understorey Lusero Forest, Nyika National Park 1800Malawi1033D1 N2018Infested by Cuscuta kilimanjari -10.64598033.6405607
9755648 Aug 2018BT Wursten
A Iqbal
M Siska
BT Wursten
A Iqbal
BT Wursten

Just inside margin of forest in shade Entrance to Zovo Chipolo Trail, Nyika National Park 1800Malawi1033D1 N2235-10.57530033.7073707
9683201 Jun 2018MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Brachystegia tamarindoides woodlandMount Everest, Lasting Impressions, Kadoma0Zimbabwe1829B4 C1094-18.43601629.8613577
96027022 Apr 2018MA Hyde
K van Laeren
T Ndadziira
MA Hyde
Miombo woodland (Brachystegia boehmii and Julbernardia globiflora)Just to the north of Hippo Pools680Zimbabwe1731B2 N797-17.05876331.8674977
96408015 Apr 2018BT Wursten
T Castigo
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
In tall miombo woodlandAlong road to Mpawe Village,Coutada 12, Cheringoma 1840Mozambique1835A4 MS162-18.43622035.3485707
9577908 Apr 2018MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Rocky woodlandBy road near Mazvikadei Dam260Zimbabwe1730A2 N1161-17.21932330.3905517
84768019 Apr 2017BT Wursten
T Castigo
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
Woodland Plateau above Khodzue Gorge 2020Mozambique1834D2 MS230-18.56109034.8791307
84948012 Apr 2017BT Wursten
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
By large termite mound in tall miombo woodland Swanepoel Concession, Cheringoma 1980Mozambique1835C1 MS242-18.54915035.0297507
80371026 Mar 2017BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
Tall miombo woodland Along road North out of Chironde Camp, Coutada 12 1840Mozambique1835A4 MS175-18.32567035.3563907
74235017 Jul 2016MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
Near termite mound in miombo woodlandHarava Dam490Zimbabwe1731C3 C1435-17.98627231.1040237
8513106 May 2015BT Wursten
BT Wursten
In rocky open woodland by old ruined buildingsBela Vista, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.140Mozambique1834C1 MS232-18.70663034.2266407
65681028 Apr 2015MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
In sand forestVia Lavu, not far from Njiri Pan, Catapu, Mozambique820Mozambique1835A1 MS80-18.06098035.2092707
65664027 Apr 2015MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
In sand forestOn Suni North trail, Catapu, Mozambique820Mozambique1835A1 MS80-18.03905035.2063407
66153126 Apr 2015BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
Margin of dense closed canopy sand forest and more open woodlandLower slopes Mt Bunga, northwestern Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C2 MS130-18.59986034.3405007
96658023 Apr 2015BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
In riverine fringe forest Along Path between Bunga Camp and stream, base of Mt Bunga, Gorongosa National Park. 140Mozambique1834C2 MS75-18.60002034.3384507
68138021 Jun 2014BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
Roadside margin of mixed woodland.Bue Maria, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1934A1 MS128-19.02139034.1823807
68025118 Jun 2014BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
BT Wursten



Mixed miombo woodland Compound of Community Education Centre, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834C3 MS125-18.95514034.1772407
58908013 Apr 2014MA Hyde
TM Müller
MA Hyde
Disturbed groundNear lodges, Carolina Wilderness0Zimbabwe1730D4 C1398-17.96479030.8165507
77047031 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
C Sharp
BT Wursten
In mixed deciduous woodland on Kalahari sand.Chesa Forest Land1960Zimbabwe1928C4 W1252-19.99475028.2602507
73061025 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Miombo woodland at base of hillside Just outside Mbalabala along road to Esigodini 0Zimbabwe2029A3 W1138-20.42827029.0291707
97259123 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Among rocks on wooded rocky outcrop.Slopes of Mt Belingwe.0Zimbabwe2029D2 S1289-20.59945029.9107107
52188021 Jul 2013MA Hyde
Amongst rocks in miombo woodlandLanark Game Park0Zimbabwe1830B2 C1380-18.04388030.9022707
51466014 May 2013MA Hyde
DB Hartung
T Alegria
Among rocks in sandy miombo woodlandSE corner of Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1490-17.84957031.0957707
52943028 Apr 2013BT Wursten
BT Wursten
Shaded riverbank in mixed deciduous woodland Plateau above Archway Gorge, Mweredzi River, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza 140Mozambique1834D3 MS73-18.95242434.6196737
51616223 Apr 2013BT Wursten
BT Wursten
Tall miombo woodlandAlong track from Nhagutua Gorge to rangerpost, Gorongosa National Park, Cheringoma140Mozambique1834D2 MS312-18.69108034.8229207
52065117 Apr 2013BT Wursten
G Davies
BT Wursten
A Short
LP Oliveira
BT Wursten



By old termite mound in mixed miombo woodland. Along track from Nhagutua Gorge to rangerpost, Gorongosa National Park, Cheringoma. 140Mozambique1834D2 MS250-18.66183334.8178907
108321010 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester
KB Vollesen



Gorongosa National Park, 4 km NNW of Conduè and 38 km SSW of Inhaminga.0Mozambique1834D2 MS306Herb 0.3 m tall; flowers white with purple markings. Growing in closed woodland in light shade on a plain. In well-drained loam. Occasional.-18.69350034.8256116
48620015 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
WoodlandBy footpath off the Via Lavu, Catapu820Mozambique1835A1 MS80-18.05198035.2081707
48502012 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
MA Hyde

In shade in sand forestCatapu820Mozambique1835A1 MS110-18.05444035.2094507
52953113 May 2011BT Wursten
S Dondeyne
BT Wursten
Rocky Brachystegia woodland with riverine influenceNear Nhamadzi River, lower Chimanimani Mts, Mozambique1680Mozambique1933C1 MS750-19.71345333.0355496
30619015 Aug 2010MA Hyde
Miombo woodlandGosho Park700Zimbabwe1831B1 C1640-18.17832031.6281200
29379020 Jun 2010MA Hyde
Amongst large granite boulders in miombo woodlandChedgelow Farm0Zimbabwe1731C3 C1450Very common in woodland shade-17.96436031.1215200
28789022 May 2010MA Hyde
In somewhat disturbed miombo woodlandMacDonald Park, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1510-17.78854031.0299000
67756310 Mar 2010B Rode
B Rode
BT Wursten
Riparian / mixed woodland Ngamiland Concession 22 - Vumbura, Okavango Delta 1640Botswana1822D4 N9602
67754221 Feb 2010B Rode
B Rode
BT Wursten
Riparian / mixed woodland Ngamiland Concession 22 - Vumbura, Okavango Delta 1640Botswana1822D4 N9602
24966019 Jul 2009MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
On termite moundJacana Yacht Club, Lake Chivero110Zimbabwe1730D4 C1370-17.89384030.8090000
31983314 May 2009S Dondeyne
Chinhaunguri, Moribane840Mozambique MS0The much lusher for from high rainfall forest margins0
19831023 Mar 2008MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Woodland edgeDomboshawa150Zimbabwe1731C1 UR060524C15900
93901013 Feb 2008K Lushetile
K Lushetile
K Lushetile

Abundant. Open woodland. Growing on plain, in well-drained sandy soil.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo District: Sachunga camps.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C1 970Annual herb. Stem ascending. Underground organ roots.-17.66897224.0129175
16259015 Jul 2007MA Hyde
Termite mound in sandy miombo woodlandJacana Yacht Club, Lake Chivero110Zimbabwe1730D4 TR679206C1380Small herb in shade-17.89320030.8090100
16188028 Apr 2007MA Hyde
Sandy miombo woodlandNear entrance to Ruwa Scout Park340Zimbabwe1731C3 UR115223C15300
16094015 Apr 2007MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Picnic area in woodland shadeBraai area, Haka Game Park1,30Zimbabwe1731C3 UR039270C15500
20990018 Mar 2007MA Hyde
In woodland on rocky hillAmarillo, Mt Hampden0Zimbabwe1730D2 TR817433C15700
7400024 Sep 2006MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Roadside verge and forest edgeWoodland Rd, Vumba63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP757862E16600
6963015 Aug 2006MA Hyde
Woodland amongst low rocky kopjesHarleigh Ruins, nr Rusape to Diana's Vow Rd0Zimbabwe1832A3 VQ186599C15300
6772013 Aug 2006MA Hyde
In shrubs amongst large granite bouldersN slopes of Chinaka, nr Juliasdale1630Zimbabwe1832B3 VQ630696E18800
67759129 Jul 2006B Rode
B Rode
BT Wursten
Mopane Woodland Ngamiland Concession 15 - Linyanti 0Botswana1823D1 N9402
6372017 Jun 2006MA Hyde
Rocky Brachystegia boehmii woodlandMazvikadei Dam: track from carpark to dam wall260Zimbabwe1730A2 TR227946N1170-17.21974030.3922706
6016029 Apr 2006MA Hyde
Disturbed open woodland on hill slopeShenstone, Mt Hampden0Zimbabwe1730D2 TR820428C15500
1488019 Jun 2005MA Hyde
In sandy Brachystegia woodlandKutsaga170Zimbabwe1731C3 UR011172C14700
541722 May 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
WoodlandCleveland Dam, Harare1,30Zimbabwe1731C3 UR034263C1540-17.84518031.1444706
30447229 Aug 2004MA Hyde
BT Wursten
On burnt open groundBorrowdale Common bridge1,80Zimbabwe1731C3 TR947352C1500Thought at first to be Dicliptera melleri0
219121 Mar 2004MA Hyde
In open woodlandCrest Farm0Zimbabwe C0
30449113 Aug 2003MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Roadside in forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700Eastern districts form0
54584028 Oct 2000MA Hyde
MA Hyde
By streamChriston Bank70Zimbabwe1731C1 TR887545C13406
14610026 Jun 1999MA Hyde
Rocky woodlandMakokwe Hill, Mapor Estate, Odzi130Zimbabwe1932A2 VP379915E10500
14496018 Sep 1998MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
A MacNaughtan
Rocky woodlandHills to E of Monte Cassino Mission, Macheke0Zimbabwe1831B2 UQ823886C15400
14456018 Sep 1998MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
A MacNaughtan
StreamsideMacheke River, on rd to Monte Cassino0Zimbabwe1831B2 UQ808903C14600
14443018 Sep 1998MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
A MacNaughtan
High rainfall, lichen-covered miombo woodlandBetween Marondera and Macheke0Zimbabwe1831B1 UQ630904C16600
3058031 Jul 1998MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
A MacNaughtan
Roadside woodland6 kms from Mt Darwin towards Rushinga0Zimbabwe1631D3 US535445N990-16.78097031.6250906
121051028 Jun 1997MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Open woodland.Greystone Nature Preserve.1,180Zimbabwe1731C3 C00
22817012 Sep 1987MA Hyde
RB Drummond
On burnt veldBy Greendale Avenue, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 UR000290C00
300550 Apr 1955OB Miller
OB Miller

A herb among rocksBesna Kobila Farm570Zimbabwe2028B3 W1460 [See note 16]0
708700No dateMount Mulanje1790Malawi1535D3 S0Checklist 60
230380No dateThestor survey area1,80Zimbabwe1731C3 C0Checklist 20

Total records found: 72

Copyright: The DRC flora team, 2024-25

The DRC flora team (2025). Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Species information: Records of: Hypoestes forskaolii.
https://www.drcongoflora.com/speciesdata/species-display.php?species_id=154290, retrieved 14 March 2025

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