Records made by Werner Fibeck

Records: 69

The following is a list of the records made by Werner Fibeck in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
30301Acacia sieberiana var. woodii19 Dec 1994MA Hyde
RB Drummond
W Fibeck
V Fibeck
Chakoma, NE of Harare720Zimbabwe1731C1UR08-42-C1430

122644Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii W Fibeck
W Fibeck Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C0

123319Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii29 Oct 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck In gardenOrchid Society garden, Mukuvisi Woodland1,22Zimbabwe1731C3 C1502

123322Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii29 Oct 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodland1,22Zimbabwe1731C3 C1498

On a Dichrostachys cinerea

123691Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii19 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck In gardenOrchid Society garden, Mukuvisi Woodland1,22Zimbabwe1731C3 C1502

In flower

123692Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii19 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodland, among rocks.Mukuvisi Woodland1,22Zimbabwe1731C3 C1500

Planted on Dichrostachys cinerea and neighbouring shrubs. Flowers slightly ivory-white; petals become reflexed as flowering continues

123693Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii19 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodland, among rocks.Mukuvisi Woodland1,22Zimbabwe1731C3 C1498

124715Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii03 Mar 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck On a tree trunk in riverine forestMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1490

Only non-planted species in the Mukuvisi Woodland known to Werner.

124947Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii10 Dec 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Riverine woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1483

Not planted. Growing on Acacia rehmanniana.

125607Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii08 Sep 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck In sandy woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1479

30281Ageratum conyzoides19 Dec 1994MA Hyde
RB Drummond
W Fibeck
V Fibeck
Chakoma, NE of Harare720Zimbabwe1731C1UR08-42-C1430

123289Ansellia africana22 Oct 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodlands1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1495

Large plant epiphytic on a Burkea africana

123341Ansellia africana29 Oct 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1505

Gowing on a Ozoroa reticulata badly damaged by lightning

125568Ansellia africana11 Aug 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
S Curle
W Fibeck Sandy woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1501

New locality.

125598Ansellia africana08 Sep 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck In sandy woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1487

In flower

125704Ansellia africana29 Sep 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck In sandy woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1503

123318Calyptrochilum christyanum29 Oct 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck In gardenOrchid Society garden, Mukuvisi Woodland1,22Zimbabwe1731C3 C1502

123689Calyptrochilum christyanum19 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Planted epiphyteOrchid Society garden, Mukuvisi Woodland1,22Zimbabwe1731C3 C1502

In flower

2846Cynorkis kassneriana14 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
On forest floor in wattle and pine forestRoad, Nyanga, S of Claremont kiosk1550Zimbabwe1832B3 E1910

2881Cynorkis kassneriana15 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
In rocky Brachystegia woodland.Castleburn Cliffs Vumba23,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1610

2893Cynorkis kassneriana11 Feb 2005MA Hyde
W Fibeck
Grassy roadside vergeRoad past Troutbeck, nr Cheshire Cottage0Zimbabwe1832B2 E2020

125573Cyrtorchis praetermissa subsp. praetermissa11 Aug 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
S Curle
W Fibeck Sandy woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1507

125605Cyrtorchis praetermissa subsp. praetermissa08 Sep 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck In sandy woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1485

Large plant on a msasa

2841Disperis anthoceros14 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
On forest floor in wattle and pine forestRoad, Nyanga, S of Claremont kiosk1550Zimbabwe1832B3 E1910

84408Disperis anthoceros W Fibeck
W Fibeck National Botanic Gardens, Harare1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520

Recorded in the 2016-7 season

2844Disperis dicerochila14 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
On forest floor in wattle and pine forestRoad, Nyanga, S of Claremont kiosk1550Zimbabwe1832B3 E1910

2884Disperis dicerochila15 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
In rocky Brachystegia woodland.Castleburn Cliffs Vumba23,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1610

123709Dolichos kilimandscharicus subsp. kilimandscharicus19 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
MA Hyde Sandy miombo woodland, among rocks.Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3C1510

Single plant, just coming into flower.

124940Dolichos kilimandscharicus subsp. kilimandscharicus10 Dec 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
MA Hyde Sandy miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3C1497

Leaves only

30295Dolichos trinervatus19 Dec 1994MA Hyde
RB Drummond
W Fibeck
V Fibeck
Chakoma, NE of Harare720Zimbabwe1731C1UR08-42-C1430

30305Eulophia cucullata19 Dec 1994MA Hyde
RB Drummond
W Fibeck
V Fibeck
Chakoma, NE of Harare720Zimbabwe1731C1 C1430

84409Eulophia cucullata W Fibeck
W Fibeck National Botanic Gardens, Harare1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520

Recorded in the 2016-7 season

123609Eulophia cucullata12 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Open sandy grasslandMukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1491

2 plants seen, both in pink flower

123711Eulophia cucullata19 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodland, among rocks.Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1514

Colony of 5 plants, in flower

84410Eulophia livingstoneana W Fibeck
W Fibeck National Botanic Gardens, Harare1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520

Recorded in the 2016-7 season

122642Eulophia livingstoneana W Fibeck
W Fibeck Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C0

123334Eulophia livingstoneana29 Oct 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1501

Single spike; flowers in bud

123600Eulophia livingstoneana12 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1501

Same plant as seen on Oct 29th 2023, now in flower. 3 other non-flowering plants seen.

123617Eulophia livingstoneana12 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodland, among rocks.Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1498

Leaves only; edges maroon.

123698Eulophia livingstoneana19 Nov 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodland, among rocks.Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1495

Colony of 10 plants; same as seen on 12 Nov 2023

84415Eulophia orthoplectra W Fibeck
W Fibeck National Botanic Gardens, Harare1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520

Recorded in the 2016-7 season

122645Eulophia orthoplectra W Fibeck
W Fibeck Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C0

2849Eulophia streptopetala14 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
Grassy roadside vergeRoad, Nyanga, S of Claremont kiosk1550Zimbabwe1832B3 E1910

84417Eulophia streptopetala W Fibeck
W Fibeck National Botanic Gardens, Harare1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520

Recorded in the 2016-7 season

123285Eulophia streptopetala22 Oct 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Rocky miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodlands1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1500

123286Eulophia streptopetala22 Oct 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Rocky miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodlands1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1498

123287Eulophia streptopetala22 Oct 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Rocky miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodlands1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1497

124942Eulophia streptopetala10 Dec 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1496

124943Eulophia streptopetala10 Dec 2023MA Hyde
W Fibeck
W Fibeck Sandy miombo woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1496

681Habenaria filicornis16 Feb 2005MA Hyde
W Fibeck
Grassy vleiVlei near Macheke0Zimbabwe1831B2 C1560

2891Habenaria macrostele11 Feb 2005MA Hyde
W Fibeck
Grassy roadside vergeRoad past Troutbeck, nr Cheshire Cottage0Zimbabwe1832B2 E2020

2897Habenaria macrostele11 Feb 2005MA Hyde
W Fibeck
Rocky seepage zonesRoad north of Troutbeck, Nyanga1550Zimbabwe1832B2 E2090

2916Habenaria macrostele12 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
Seepage zoneMt Rukotso, Nyanga25,1550Zimbabwe1832B2 E2370

2931Habenaria macrostele13 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
Rocky montane grasslandRd to World's View, Nyanga1550Zimbabwe1832B2 E2270

2848Habenaria praestans var. praestans14 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
Grassy roadside vergeRoad, Nyanga, S of Claremont kiosk1550Zimbabwe1832B3 E1910

680Habenaria schimperiana16 Feb 2005MA Hyde
W Fibeck
Grassy vleiVlei near Macheke0Zimbabwe1831B2 C1560


84420Habenaria schimperiana W Fibeck
W Fibeck National Botanic Gardens, Harare1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520

Recorded in the 2016-7 season

84421Habenaria sochensis W Fibeck
W Fibeck National Botanic Gardens, Harare1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520

Recorded in the 2016-7 season

124863Hypoestes forskaolii subsp. forskaolii03 Mar 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
MA Hyde WoodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3C1494

107690Microcoelia globulosa19 Jan 2020MA Hyde
W Fibeck
T Alegria
W Fibeck In riverine forest in steep valleyChriston Bank70Zimbabwe1731C1 C1342


2852Orthochilus eustachyus14 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
Grassy roadside vergeRoad, Nyanga, S of Claremont kiosk1550Zimbabwe1832B3 E1910

2899Orthochilus eustachyus12 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
Rocky montane grasslandMt Rukotso, Nyanga25,1550Zimbabwe1832B2 E1950

84411Orthochilus mechowii W Fibeck
W Fibeck National Botanic Gardens, Harare1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520

Recorded in the 2016-7 season

103502Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia05 May 2019M Coates Palgrave
W Fibeck
M Coates Palgrave Amongst rocks, open woodland Farmhouse top Camp site, Matobo Hills0Zimbabwe2028C2W1402

2874Stolzia repens var. repens15 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
Epiphytic on Brachystegia spiciformisCastleburn Cliffs Vumba23,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1610

2875Tridactyle bicaudata15 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
W Fibeck
Abundant on rock faces in B woodlandCastleburn Cliffs Vumba23,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1610

125569Tridactyle tridentata11 Aug 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
S Curle
W Fibeck Sandy woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1503

Several plants on upper side of a main branch of a tree.

125570Tridactyle tridentata11 Aug 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
S Curle
W Fibeck Sandy woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1504

Often grows on big trunks and branches

125572Tridactyle tridentata11 Aug 2024MA Hyde
W Fibeck
S Curle
W Fibeck Sandy woodlandMukuvisi Woodland, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1507


Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Records made by Werner Fibeck., retrieved 30 December 2024

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