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The following is a list of the records determined by David Goyder in species name order.
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
110726 | Antidesma venosum | 05 Dec 2008 | JE Burrows SM Burrows |
JE Burrows SM Burrows 10973 | DJ Goyder | K LMA BNRH |
Escarpment track from Nhica do Rovuma Village to Lago Nhica, Palma District | 0 | Mozambique | 1040C1 | N | 55 | Shrubby small tree to 6 m tall, forming colonies along drainage line in Berlinia orientalis woodland on low escarpment. | -10.721111 | 40.205556 | 5 | |||||
109358 | Psorospermum febrifugum | 06 Dec 2008 | JE Burrows SM Burrows |
JE Burrows SM Burrows 11017 | DJ Goyder | K LMA BNRH |
0.5 km along the track to Nhica do Rovuma Village, from the Palma-Pundanhar road, Palma District. | 0 | Mozambique | 1040C3 | N | 136 | Shrub to 1.5 m tall, leaves glossy above, flowers whitish; in full sun in grassy area in a mosaic of open coastal Brachystegia/Uapaca nitida/Parinari curatellifolia woodland and evergreen forest patches centred on termitaria; in sandy soils | -10.841111 | 40.194722 | 5 | |||||
106140 | Satyrium trinerve | 24 Jan 2017 | N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya J Hostetter Bama-Ruben |
N Wightman RE Bone K Yokoya J Hostetter Bama-Ruben RB415 | DJ Goyder | K |
"Dambo dominated by grasses and sedges, some Xyris and Eulophia latilabris. Only one 1 mature specimen seen (many juvenile plants in the area)." | Dambo in Lukupa - Milungu border area near small holding owned by Justin Hostetter and Claire Albrecht. | 58 | 0 | Zambia | 1031A1 | N | 1287 | 6 | ||||||
74053 | Voacanga thouarsii | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze |
JA Massunde JM167 | DJ Goyder | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta sempre verde, com pouca vegetacao de estrato inferior, solos francos arrenosos, com paior ocorrencia de Funtumia africana, Newtonia buchananii, Craterispermum sp, Garcinia sp, Mirants sp, Bligh unijugata Dianella sp e Uapaca lissopyrena | Comunidade Maronga,sudeste de Chimanimani, floresta Comeni proximo do rio Murere numa zona pantanosa | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 285 | Arvore de 8m, caule liso castanho com seiva branca colante que amarga, folhas simples opostas, flores brancas de 5 petalas | -19.968944 | 33.100444 | 7 |
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