Burrows, John Eric

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Photo: Unknown
John Burrows

List: records (119) | collections (105) | images (0) | determinations (106) | confirmations (0) made by John Burrows

The above links show records made of species which occur in the DRC. The actual records may have been made anywhere.

Map: records by QDS

General Information

Date of birth: 20 Feb 1950


Biography of John Eric Burrows

Born: 20 February 1950, Salisbury, Rhodesia (Harare, Zimbabwe)

Married to: Sandra [‘Sandie’] Margaret Burrows (neé Schultz), 12 December 1980

Educated: Falcon College, Bulawayo, Rhodesia (1963-1968)

Tertiary Education:

1. University of Rhodesia – 1st year BSc, 1969 (interrupted by Rhodesian conflict)

2. Cape Technikon: National Diploma in Horticulture, 1977-79

3. University of Natal: MSc (Plant Taxonomy), cum laude, 1991-92.

Employment History:

1970-76: Research Technician, Department of Research & Specialist Services, Salisbury & Inyanga, Rhodesia.

1977-80: Horticulturist/Asst. Curator, National Botanic Gardens, Kirstenbosch, Cape Town, S.A.

1981-83: Station Manager, Sengwa Wildlife Research Institute, Department of National Parks & Wildlife Management, Zimbabwe

1983-88: Horticulturist, Coromandel Nursery, Coromandel Farm, Lydenburg, S.A.

1988 - present : Managing Trustee, Buffelskloof Private Nature Reserve, Lydenburg, S.A.

Botanical Development:

Childhood influenced botanically by both parents, Hal & Marj Burrows, who were very knowledgeable on native plants. Father collected with Tom Müller of SRGH.

Biology schoolmaster, E.J. (‘Ted’) Marais, a student of Prof. Ted Schelpe, sparked an interest in ferns while at school – started collecting ferns after leaving school.

During 3-year stay at Inyanga, Eastern Districts, started collecting all plants and drew up my first checklist, on the plants of Inyanga National Park. During this time was mentored very patiently by the late Bob Drummond of SRGH.

Four years at Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens added much to my knowledge of the Cape flora.

Up to 1988 collected mainly pteridophytes (except at Inyanga).

At Buffelskloof Nature Reserve collected all plants for Buffelskloof and the Lydenburg escarpment flora.

The fig project led to the collection of c. 750 numbers of Moraceae.

Total collecting numbers to date (February 2015): 14 630, most of which are housed in Buffelskloof Herbarium, main duplicates to PRE, also to BOL, J, K, LMA, NBG, NU and others. First ca. 1 000 numbers in SRGH.

Currently researching (with SMB & 2 colleagues) a comprehensive book on the trees & shrubs of Mozambique, covering ca. 1,750 species. Carried out 19 research expeditions to Mozambique to date.

Papers presented to Symposia:

1991: International Symposium on the Cultivation and Propagation of Pteridophytes, London.

1995: Pteridology in Perspective – The Holttum Memorial Pteridophyte Symposium, Kew, London

2002: International Symposium on Fern Flora: Threats and Responses, University of Surrey, Guildford.

2014: 20th AETFAT Symposium, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Publications: Separate list - to be added.

Major research projects (see also publications).

Pteridophytes of southern Africa

Ophioglossum in Africa

Moraceae of south-central and southern Africa

Plants of the Nyika Plateau

Trees & Shrubs of Mpumalanga

Drift Seeds of eastern Africa (current)

Trees & Shrubs of Mozambique (current)

Other interests include geoxylic suffrutices (‘underground trees’), and the family Rubiaceae.


SABONET: Have been co-leader of two SABONET expeditions; to Nyika Plateau, Malawi (2000) and Southern Mozambique (2001). Also ran a fern identification course in Zomba (1998).

Plant Specialist Group: In April 1994 I formed the P.S.G., a group of amateur plant enthusiasts centred mainly in Mpumalanga’s Lowveld and Escarpment region, but now attracting participants from Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

In 1990 started the Buffelskloof Herbarium (BNRH) which has now grown into the largest herbarium in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Currently houses ca. 20,000 specimens from all over the summer-rainfall areas of South Africa and the Flora Zambesiaca region, including some 4,000 specimens from Mozambique.


2004: Marloth Medal, for stimulating interest in indigenous flora through popular literature.

2005: Honorary membership of the Dendrological Society, South Africa

Publications: (published, in press, or in preparation) as at January 2015


BANDU, V.H., BURROWS, J.E. & EDWARDS, T.J. (1992). Transmission electron microscopy of spore walls in the taxonomy of OphioglossumL. (Ophioglossaceae: Pteridophyta). Communications of the Electron Microscopy Society of Southern Africa 22: 45-46.

BURROWS, J.E. (1989). New taxa, combinations and records of Pteridophyta from southern and central Africa. Bothalia 19,2: 167-174.

BURROWS, J.E. (1993). Southern African Pteridophytes of Horticultural Potential. Proceedings of Symposium on Propagation and Culture of Pteridophytes, London, 1991.

BURROWS, J.E. (1996). The genus Ophioglossum in south-central Africa. Proceedings of the Holttum Memorial Pteridophyte Symposium, Kew. 1995. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

BURROWS, J.E. (1997). The use of spore morphology as a taxonomic tool in the delimitation of the southern African species of Ophioglossum L. (Ophioglossaceae: Pteridophyta). Holttum

Memorial Volume, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

BURROWS, J.E. (1999). Two new taxa of Ophioglossum (Ophioglossaceae: Pteridophyta) from Central Africa. Bothalia 29:109-112.

BURROWS, J.E. (2001). Ophioglossum L. In: H. Beentjie (ed.), Flora of Tropical East Africa: Pteridophyta. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

BURROWS, J.E. (2008). Species delimitation in Carvalhoa campanulata (Apocynceae: Rauvolfioideae). Bothalia 38,2: 147-150.

BURROWS, J.E. (2009.) The reinstatement of Dorstenia campanulata and D. verdickii(Moraceae). Aloe 46(1): 7-9.

BURROWS, J.E. ( 2009). A new species of Tarenna (Rubiaceae) and a new species of Pavetta (Rubiaceae) from northern Mozambique. Kew Bulletin 64: 689 - 193.

BURROWS, J.E. (in prep.). Notes on the genus Helichrysum Mill. in South Africa: 1. New species and new records from Mpumalanga and Swaziland. To be submitted to Bothalia.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (1983). A Check-list of the Pteridophytes of Zimbabwe. Journal S. Afr. Bot.49(3): 193-212.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (1994). An Annotated Check-list of the Pteridophytes of Malawi. Kirkia 14(1): 78-99.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (2001). New distribution records of southern African Pteridophyta. Bothalia 31,2: 205-207.

BURROWS, S.M. & BURROWS, J.E. (2008). Three new species of Asparagus. Bothalia 38,1: 23-29.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (2002). A new fern record for the Flora of southern Africa region. Bothalia 32, 2: 195-196.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (2009). A new species of Acacia from northern Mozambique. Bothalia 39,2: 222-225.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (2010). Didymosalpinx callianthus and Oxyanthus biflorus, two new species of Rubiaceae from Mozambique and Tanzania. Bothalia 40,2: 201-204.

BURROWS, J.E., BURROWS, S.M., ALVES, T. & SOUSA, C. (in prep.) Ficus mucuso (Moraceae) and Bolbitis gemmifera (Pteridophyta: Lomariopsidaceae): two new plant records of phytogeographical and conservation significance from Moribane Forest, Manica Province, Mozambique.

BURROWS, J.E., BURROWS, S.M., LOFFLER, P. & LOFFLER L. (2003). Excoecaria madagascariensis; a new record for the Flora of Southern Africa region. Bothalia 33(2): 155-156.

BURROWS, J.E. & CONDY, G.(2011). Ficus sur. Flowering Plants of Africa 62: 48-55, plate 2268.

BURROWS, J.E. & CROUCH, N.R. (1995). New distribution records of South African pteridophytes. Bothalia 25(2): 236-238.

BURROWS, J.E. & EDWARDS, T.J. (1993). Nomenclatural changes and additions to the genus Ophioglossum L. in Africa. Bothalia 23(2): 185-190.

BURROWS, J.E. & EDWARDS, T.J. (1995). A new species and a change of status in Ophioglossum (Ophioglossaceae: Pteridophyta) in Africa. Bothalia 25(1): 61-63.

BURROWS, J.E. & GOLDING, J. (2002). Fern conservation in South Central Africa. In: Proceedings of Symposium 2001, Fern Flora Worldwide threats and responses.Fern Gazette 16(6): 313-318.

BURROWS, J.E. & STRAUSS, S.E. (1990). Doryopteris pilosa var. gemmifera, a new fern variety established. Bothalia 20(2): 221-222.

CROUCH, N.R. & BURROWS, J.E. 2011. New pteridophyte records for the flora of Swaziland. Bothalia 41,1: 181-183.

TIMBERLAKE, J., GOYDER, D.J., CRAWFORD, F., BURROWS, J.E., CLARKE, G.P., LUKE, Q., MATIMELE, H.A., MULLER, T., PASCAL, O., DE SOUSA, C. & ALVES, T. (2011). Coastal dry forests in Mozambique. Plant Ecology and Evolution 144 (2): 126–137.

WILKIN, P., BURROWS, J.E., BURROWS, S.M, MUASAYA, A.M. & VAN WYK, E. (2010). A critically endangered new species of yam (Dioscorea strydomiana Wilkin, Dioscoreaceae) from Mpumalanga, South Africa. Kew Bulletin 65: 1-13.

WILLIS, C.K., BURROWS, J.E., FISH, L., PHIRI, P.S.M., CHIKUNI, A.C. & GOLDING, J.(2002). Developing a greater understanding of the flora of the Nyika. Syst. Geogr. Pl. 71: 993-1008.


BURROWS, J.E. (1989). Kudzu vine - a new plant invader of South Africa. Veld & Flora 75(4):116-117.

BURROWS, J.E. (1993). Name changes of southern African plants. PlantLife 8: 7-8.

BURROWS, J.E. (1994). How do ferns reproduce? PlantLife 10: 5-6.

BURROWS, J.E. (1995). The conundrum of the African Pencil Cedar in south-central Africa. Veld & Flora 81(1): 8-9.

BURROWS, J.E. (1999). What is Myrsine pillansii? PlantLife 20: 25-26.

BURROWS, J.E. (2007). The family Bignoniaceae in southern Africa. PlantLife 36: 15-26.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (1981). The ferns of Ntendeka Wilderness. Veld & Flora67(4): 118-120.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (1987). Mount Mulanje - Last refuge of the Giants. Veld & Flora 73: 122-124.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (1990). Hemizygia obermeyerae - a striking ornamental shrub. Veld & Flora 76(4): 118-119.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (1994). Botanizing on Mt Kenya. Veld & Flora 80(2): 44-48.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (2002). Trilepisium madagascariensis (Moraceae) in Swaziland. PlantLife 27: 23-24.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (2004). In the Footsteps of Kirk: a Plant Specialist Group Expedition to the mouth of the Zambezi. PlantLife 31: 17-21.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (2004). The Ugutugulu Gorge: a botanical time warp. PlantLife 31: 34-37.

BURROWS, J.E., LOTTER, M.C., McCLELAND, W., WINTER, P.D. & SCHMIDT, E. (1998). Plant collecting in Central Mozambique. PlantLife 19: 9-12.

BURROWS, J.E. & ROUX, J.P. (1979). A Kirstenbosch excursion to the eastern regions of South Africa. Veld & Flora 65(1): 2-4


BURROWS, J.E. (1990). Southern African Ferns & Fern Allies. Frandsen Publishers,Sandton.

BURROWS, J.E. (1992). The taxonomy of the genus Ophioglossum L. (Ophioglossaceae) in southern Africa. M.Sc. Thesis, Natal University, Pietermaritzburg.

BURROWS, J.E. (scient. ed. & contributor) (2002). In: SCHMIDT, E, LÖTTER, M.C. & McCLELAND, W., Trees and Shrubs of Mpumalanga and Kruger National Park. Jacana, Johannesburg.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (2003). Figs of Southern and South-Central Africa.Umdaus Press, Pretoria.

BURROWS, J.E. & WILLIS, C.K. (2005). Plants of the Nyika Plateau; South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria

BURROWS, J.E., SCHMIDT, E., BURROWS, S.M. & LOTTER, M.C. (in prep.). The Trees and Shrubs of Mozambique.

BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (in prep.). The Drift-Seeds of Eastern Africa.

CROUCH, N.R., KLOPPER, R.R., BURROWS, J.E. & BURROWS, S.M. (2011). A comprehenive guide to the Ferns of Southern Africa. Struik Nature, Cape Town.

Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Person details: Burrows, JE.
https://www.drcongoflora.com/speciesdata/person-display.php?person_id=10, retrieved 18 October 2024

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