
Latest acknowledgements (added 30 May 2009)

Our great thanks to Helen Pickering for freely allowing us to use the photographs of plants she took in the Victoria Falls area and also for the time-consuming exercise she undertook in order to compile details of the records for our website.

Further acknowledgements (added 13 April 2009)

Thanks to Barry Stock for correcting our treatment of Bombacopsis glabra and pointing out that this is not synonymous with Pachira aquatica.

Further acknowledgements (added 5 March 2009)

We are most grateful to the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew for making available to us an electronic version of Collecting Localities in the Flora Zambesiaca area (Pope & Pope, 1998). This will be used for extracting latitude, longitude details when adding records to our database.

Further acknowledgements (added 29 June 2006)

The favicon added to the site was created using the online creation tool on the HTML-Kit web page. The HTML code used was obtained from the Wikipedia entry on favicons.

Further acknowledgements (added 10 May 2006)

Petra Ballings accompanied us on many field trips, collected and prepared specimens, identified numerous, often difficult, species at the National Herbarium (SRGH), contributed many first class photographs, and, as Bart's wife, often looked after the running of Ndundu Lodge single-handedly, while Bart worked nearly full-time on this web site.

Further acknowledgements (added 17 June 2004)

Thanks to Janice Golding for suggesting that I add details of the Red Data information to the site (basic details have been added to the version 1.2 checklist).

Further acknowledgements (added 12 June 2003)

During the final stages of the development of this site (during the first half of 2003), a number of people made useful comments on the content and/or the design.

I should particularly like to mention Meg Coates Palgrave who reviewed the woody plants on the list and pointed out a number of errors and recent taxonomic changes.

Alistair Hull also reviewed the list and provided a number of corrections and omitted taxa which will be included in version 1.1.

On the web design front, I would like to thank Sue McLaren who critically reviewed the site from a web designer's perspective.

Initial acknowledgements

I [MAH] have lived in Zimbabwe since 1983 and during that time I have received assistance from a large number of people.

Perhaps the most significant has been Bob Drummond, who has willingly made available his unequalled and encyclopaedic knowledge of Zimbabwean plants.

Apart from general advice, his help has included naming many collections, identifying subjects where questions remain, indicating sources of information and keeping me up to date with changes in the literature.

Almost all of the field work I have done has been organised through the Tree Society and I would like to thank that Society and its members not only for providing information about trees but for a constant stimulus to botanical work in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. Specifically, most of the field work was done in the company of Maureen Silva-Jones and Andy MacNaughtan and I would like to thank them particularly.

Of particular importance in drawing up the checklist were Anthony Mapaura and Jonathan Timberlake who released to me their draft checklist and with whom numerous useful discussions were held.

Thanks must also go to the various specialists who provided commentary and input on the Mapaura / Timberlake list and who therefore indirectly contributed to this list.

Another major contributor was Meg Coates-Palgrave who was able to elucidate a number of problem genera.

I would like to thank the Head of the National Herbarium, Harare, for permitting access to specimens and botanical literature.

My thanks also go to Gerald Pope of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, who is the current editor of Flora Zambesiaca, for his help and encouragement and who reviewed the web site and made a number of suggestions for improvement.

In addition, information, insights or assistance have over the years been provided in various ways by Miss Tessa Ball, Mrs K.E. Bennett (née Sturgeon), Rob Burrett, John Clatworthy, Eric Clement, Meg Coates Palgrave, Kim Damstra, Patrick and Fiona Dawe, Anthon Ellert, George Hall, Phil Haxen, Shakkie Kativu, Tom Müller and Lyn Mullin and I am very grateful to them all.

Finally, I would like to thank my wife Linda and my children Robert and Andrew, who have put up with my, at times almost obsessive, interest in botany, and have willingly come with me, and even enjoyed, many of the field trips.

Turning to the design of this web site, as opposed to its botanical content, acknowledgement and thanks must go to BlueRobot for providing the browser-compatible HTML and CSS template to enable this site to be written in column format without using tables.

I must emphasise that any errors in this web site, whether in content or design, are entirely my own responsibility.

Copyright: The DRC flora team, 2024-25

The DRC flora team (2025). Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Acknowledgments., retrieved 29 March 2025

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