Flora of the DRC: Utilities: List of unique taxa

Results for Location: 165 (Matusadona National Park)

This is a list of unique taxa recorded from this location. It includes records where the particular plant is either not planted or where it is probably not planted. It therefore excludes records of purely cultivated plants.

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Family Name
AcanthaceaeMellera nyassana
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea crassipes var. crassipes
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia decidua
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeChamaecrista absus
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeChamaecrista mimosoides
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeRhynchosia wildii
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeVigna unguiculata (agg.)
LythraceaeRotala tenella
Malvaceae subfamily BombacoideaeAdansonia digitata
OrchidaceaeAnsellia africana
ParkeriaceaeCeratopteris thalictroides
PlantaginaceaeLimnophila indica
RubiaceaeSpermacoce senensis
ViolaceaeAfrohybanthus enneaspermus

Number of records found: 14

Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Utilities: Location search results: Matusadona National Park.
https://www.drcongoflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query-distinct-non-cult.php?location_id=165, retrieved 28 December 2024

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