Records made by Marianne Hochobes

Records: 19

The following is a list of the records made by Marianne Hochobes in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
93304Asystasia intrusa22 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1785 S Schubert WIND
Rare. Growing under tree in partial shade.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo District: Caprivi Strip, south of Omega 3.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41001

Annual herb, 0.30 m high. Leaves opposite, elliptic. Flowers funnel-shaped, white with purple markings, single, in terminal leaf axils. Stems round, erect.

93412Asystasia intrusa23 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1806 S Schubert WIND
Frequent but localized. Growing in shade under large trees.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo District: Caprivi Strip, between Kongola and Omega 3.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C1983

Annual herb. Flowers trumpet shaped, white with purple markings. Leaves opposite, thinly textured, dark green.

95377Ceratotheca sesamoides20 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1742 S Rügheimer WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park, along tar road between Divundu and Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A11042

60 cm high; Herb; Notes: Annual herb, 60 cm high. Stems erect, mostly unbranched, square, hairy. Leaves lanceolate, base lobed, venation below reticulate, with a large brown gland in each leaf axil. Flowers fairly small, tubular, maroon outside, inside pale pink with maroon venation. Plant has a pungent smell. White sandy loam. Occasional.

93078Coccinia adoensis20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1137 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31057

Climber; Notes: Climber with leaves palmately lobed, margins dentate, soft tendril attached at petiole base. Flowers: light orange, hairy inside.

93141Dialium englerianum24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1221 D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C41033

Tree; Notes: Tree, with sub-opposite leaves, ovate tapering to the base, yellowish-green in colour. Petiole thickened.

95382Dialium englerianum20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1110 D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; Divundu-Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A11050

3 m high; Tree; Notes: Tree, 3m high. Leaves: compound, leathery, leaflets opposite ovate, base rounded, apex tapering. Fruit: brown capsule. Browsed by Elephants.

93338Entada arenaria subsp. arenaria21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1177 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: At Omega.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41013

1 m high; Shrub; Suffrutex; Notes: Suffrutex shrub, up to 1m high. Leaves: compound, whole plant smooth; leaflets sub-sessile, base asymmetric; petiole base thickened, stipitate gland present at the base. Pods green, flattened, broad, constricted between seeds.

95001Entada arenaria subsp. arenaria19 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1713 S Rügheimer WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi, along Rundu-Katima road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A11069

40 cm high; Suffrutex; Notes: Suffrutex, 40 cm high. Leaves large, compound, bipinnately divided, with 10 pairs of leaflets per leaf, leaflets oblong, asymmetric, glabrous except on midvein, midvein displaced, apex notched. Stems short, light green. Pods large, very broad and flattened off, sickle shaped, light green, apex rounded, base tapering. Dry woodlands. White loamy sand. Uncommon.

95495Entada arenaria subsp. arenaria22 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1182 D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola main road; turn-off towards Botswana.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B2972

0.5 m high; Herb; Suffrutex; Notes: Suffrutex herb, 0.5m high. Stem: yellowish-green. Leaves: compound, assymetric base, bicoloured. Fruit: green.

93345Euphorbia hirta21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1160 S Rügheimer WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41017

Herb; Notes: Hairy, prostrate herb. Flower: head in leaf axils. Leaves: opposite, with brown centre, margin serrate.

93347Gladiolus dalenii subsp. dalenii21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1164 S Rügheimer WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3; about 2km away from the main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D4 1017

1 m high; Geophyte; Notes: Geophyte, about 1m high. Leaves: single. Flowers: yellow, tubular.

93367Lantana angolensis21 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1766 S Rügheimer WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Strip, along Rundu - Katima road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D4998

40 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Herbaceous shrub, growing in shade under tree, 40 cm high. Flowers small, pale purple, in a dense axillary spike, peduncles shorter than leaves, 1 - 3 cm long. Leaves opposite, ovate, thin, dark green above, white below. Stems square, hairy, herbaceous.

95226Lantana angolensis04 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1943 MM Hochobes WIND
Occasional. Woodland. Growing on plain in sandy soil. Full sun. Disturbed.Okavango, Rundu District: Divundu, Road D3497.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A21057

Suffrutex 60 cm high. Stem square. Leaves opposite, ovate. Margin serate, venation prominent on the under surface. Flowers clustered, minute, tubular, purple. Fruits lilac berries.

93442Markhamia obtusifolia23 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1202 FM Chase (née Crawford) WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3; along the road to Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C11013

0.5 m high; Shrub; Suffrutex; Notes: Suffrutex shrub, 0.5m high. Leaves: compound, leaflets opposite, sessile to sub-sessile, tomentose, obovate to elliptic. Inflorescence: a panicle. Flower: opposite, yellow, trumpet-shape.

93165Ochna pulchra subsp. pulchra24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1224 D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C41033

Shrub; Notes: Low shrublet, with leathery, elongated leaves, alternate. Terminal growing tips on leaflets.

93382Piliostigma thonningii21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1148 D Lutombi WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; along Divundu-Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41023

12 m high; Tree; Notes: Tree, 12m high, leaves very big, deep lobed at the apex, base auriculate, 4 main veins going out from the base on each leaflet; petiole thickened at the base.

95016Strychnos cocculoides19 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1714 S Rügheimer WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Strip, along Rundu-Katima road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A11069

3 m high; Tree; Notes: Tree, 3 m high. Trunk grey, covered with thick corky bark, longitudinally fissured. Leaves opposite, obovate to round, hairy above and below, 5 veins arising from the base, runnning parallel. Fruit round, hard, up to 5 cm in diameter, green with white speckles. Uncommon. Dry woodland, white loamy sand.

95021Tribulus terrestris19 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1716 S Rügheimer WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Strip, along Rundu-Katima road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A11069

Herb; Notes: Prostrate annual herb. Flowers yellow, less than 1.5 cm in diameter. Leaves compound, paripinnate, with 7 - 8 pairs of leaflets per leaf, leaflets small, densely hairy below, apex pointed. Fruit spiny, round, segmented. Stems prostrate to ascending, maroon to light brown. White sandy loam, limestone gravel, cleared roadverge. Common.

95418Tribulus terrestris20 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1743 S Rügheimer WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park, along tar road between Divundu and Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A11042

Herb; Notes: Annual herb. Stems prostrate to ascending, sparsely covered with erect hairs. Flowers yellow, petals up to 1.2 cm long. Leaves compound, paripinnate, with 8 pairs of leaflets per leaf, leaflets densely hairy below. White loamy sand. Frequent.


Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Records made by Marianne Hochobes., retrieved 21 December 2024

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