Checklist: Pedaliaceae



This is a checklist of taxa generated from the database. Genera and species which are purely cultivated have been excluded.

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Ceratotheca triloba
Ihlenfeldt, H.-D. (1988) Pedaliaceae Flora Zambesiaca 8(3)  
NamesFZ Divisions
7777.000 SESAMUM L. 
Sesamum angolense Welw.
Sesamum macranthum Oliv.
Sesamum angustifolium (Oliv.) Engl.
Sesamum calycinum Welw. var. angustifolium (Oliv.) Ihlenf. & Seidenst.
Sesamum calycinum Welw.
subsp. calycinum
Sesamum repens Engl.
Sesamum indicum L.
Anthadenia sesamoides Ch. Lem.
Sesamum hopkinsii Suessseng.
Sesamum indicum L. var. integerrimum Engl.
Sesamum orientale L.
Volkameria orientalis (L.) Kuntze
Sesamum parviflorum Seidenst.
Sesamum radiatum Thonn. ex Hornem.
Sesamopteris radiata (Thonn. ex Hornem.) DC. ex Meisn.
Sesamum biapiculatum De Wild.
Sesamum mombanzense De Wild. & T.Durand
Sesamum talbotii Wernham
Sesamum thonneri De Wild. & T.Durand
7778.000 CERATOTHECA Endl. 
Ceratotheca integribracteata Engl.
subsp. integribracteata
Ceratotheca vanderystii De Wild.
Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl.
Ceratotheca heudelotii Stapf
Ceratotheca melanosperma Hochst. ex Bernh.
Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl. var. melanoptera A. DC.

Copyright: The DRC flora team, 2024-25

The DRC flora team (2025). Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Checklist: Pedaliaceae]., retrieved 11 March 2025

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