Rhizome long-creeping and slender. Fronds monomorphic, spaced, thin-textured. Stipe 50–100 cm long, strawcoloured to reddish, dark base with sparse covering of short glandular hairs and few narrowly lanceolate dark brown scales 7 x 0.5 mm. Lamina 3–4-pinnatifid, deltoid in outline, 47–60 x 60–74 cm, mid green above, yellowish green below; pinnae in ± 13 pairs, apical pinnae gradually decrescent, lowest four pinnae remote; basal pinna pair to 42 cm long, bearing 6–7 pairs of stalked pinnules and several pairs of sessile or adnate ones, the basal basiscopic pinnule pair to 20 x 6 cm; second pinna-pair 26–35 cm, with long basiscopic pinnule; basiscopic pinnules of other pinnae becoming more equal to acroscopic ones; ultimate segments to 5 mm wide, rounded, margin entire or slightly crenate; venation not reaching margin; rhachis with adaxial groove; pinna-costae and costae densely covered in short, glandular hairs 0.05–0.7 mm long, later increasingly hairless, adaxially veins and veinlets covered in hairs to 1 mm long, a few hairs on lamina near margin. Sori 2–7 per segment, median on acroscopic veinlet, ± 1 mm in diameter; exindusiate or with indusium to 1 mm in diameter. |