Rhizome creeping; rhizome scales lanceolate in outline, margins entire, brown, cells elongated and thin-walled. Fronds monomorphic, spaced, coriaceous, gemmiferous. Stipe 30 cm long, dark brown, grooved, base with similar scales as the rhizome, on the underside, a very short pubescence of red articulated hairs. Lamina bipinnate, triangular-lanceolate in outline, 30 x 20 cm, brownish when dry; apical pinnae pinnate, sessile, sickle-shaped, apex tapering, c. 5 cm long; middle pinnae shortly petiolate, pinnules lanceolate, base decurrent, margin entire, first basal pinnules more developed, lobed; rhachis and costa with some articulated hairs and some scales on the underside; veins pinnate in the lobes. Sori round; indusium small. |