Rhizome erect, stout, scaly; rhizome scales isotoechae (?), narrowly triangular in outline, base-attached, margin lobed, slender, up to 1 mm long, erect or spreading, sometimes backwards, flexible, sometimes intricate, multi-celled, articulated, with terminating glands, apex terminating in a glandular hair, 8-10 x 1-1.7 mm, slender, chestnut, composed of small rectangular cells, homogeneous in texture. Fronds monomorphic, tufted, erect, up to 63 cm long, imparipinnate, firmly papery in texture. Stipe above channeled, below flat on one side, stout, 23-31 x 0.2-0.25 cm, chestnut, with scales in the lower part of stipe similar to the rhizome scales but smaller, base stellate, with very long, twisted hairs, glabrescent above. Lamina ovate in outline, 6-11-jugate, 21-37 x 13-15 cm, terminal pinna undivided, green olive when dry; lateral pinnae stipillate, erect or spreading, separated from each other, 8.5-10 x 1.5–2 cm, lanceolate-triangular in outline, apex long tapering, base clearly uneven, basiscopic side narrowly cuneate or arcuate-cut, acroscopic side cuneate, margin irregular toothed, above glabrous, below with dispersed scales, scales with small stellate base, ending in a very long twisted hair; apical pinna larger, 10-14 x 2.5 cm, triangular, apex long tapering, base moderately unequal, margin irregularly toothed; rhachis above channeled or flattened, median costa small, flattened, chestnut, glabrescent; veins forked or 2-forked, towards the margin ending in a hydathode. Sori thick, elliptical, 2.5-5 x 2 mm (a little longer in the apical pinna), oblique, medial; indusium inflated, expanded, membranous, semi-elliptic, base straigh, with both ends at first inward, then curved outward, sharp, margin entire, yellow or honey coloured, margin turning decoloured. (Translated from Latin, needs to be checked with specimens) |