Details of record no: 82456

Harungana madagascariensis Lam. ex Poir.

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Record details:

Date: Jul 1996
Recorder(s):G Renehan
Collector(s):G Renehan
Determiner(s):G Renehan
Location: Chingola; Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage and Chimpanzee Sanctuary, ca. 57 km NW of Chingola along Kafue River. UTM Coordinates: 557812.985, 8633679.801.
Location code(s): 150
Outing code:
Planted code: Not planted
Country: Zambia
Quarter Degree Square: 1227B3
Grid reference:
FZ Division: W
Altitude (metres): 0
Notes: Common shrub 1-2 m in height primarily growing along fencelines, roads and in grassland. Trunk grey, rough flaking in pieces ca. 6 cm in diameter. Leaf elliptic opposite leaf with tapering apice and rounded, slightly lobed bark up to 18 cm in length by 9 cm in width, yellow-green to green with prominent yellow to red central vein. Fruit small (2 mm) berries, clustered with ca. 200+ berries per branch, yellow in color ripening to red. New leaves green with fuzzy brown underside arising in leaf axils. Local name (Bemba) "Kafifi". Roots mixed with bark of Brachystegia longifolia, boiled with H2O and used to treat bilharzia (Schistosomiasis). Cattle eating leaves causes photosensitization (due to liver damage). Collected 21 July 1996 along fenceline near 14 acre enclosure.
Latitude, Longitude: -12.333333, 27.500000
Location Accuracy Code: 4

Map of species record

Copyright: The DRC flora team, 2024-25

The DRC flora team (2025). Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Individual record no: 82456: Harungana madagascariensis., retrieved 14 March 2025

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