Location: Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park

Image 1

Photo: Bart Wursten
Map showing main features of the location,

Image 2

Photo: Bart Wursten
Ochna glauca and Commiphora marlothii growing among the boulders

Image 3

Photo: Bart Wursten
Trees on a rocky kopje.

Image 4

Photo: Bart Wursten
Commiphora marlothii growing in a rocky place.

Image 5

Photo: Bart Wursten
Woody species and a succulent species of Euphorbia on a rocky kopje.

Image 6

Photo: Bart Wursten
View over granite hills.

Image 7

Photo: Bart Wursten
Rocky kopje.

General Information

Quarter degree square: 2028D1 (mostly)

Country: Zimbabwe

Habitat: Rocky habitats, woodland, stream and dam vegetation

Altitude range: 1250 - 1400 m

Annual rainfall:

Location (short):

Location (detailed):


The area around Maleme Dam has the advantage of being easily accessible, offering good possibilities for accommodation, while many of the typical vegetation types of the Matobo National Park are present in the direct vicinity. The Maleme Rest Camp is situated right among the rocky outcrops, the Matobo Hills are so famous for. Many of the Matobo specials can be found on the doorstep, such as Strychnos matopensis (Loganiaceae), Ochna glauca, (Ochnaceae), Turraea obtusifolia (Meliaceae), Calodendrum capense (Rutaceae) and Gymnosporia matobensis (Celastraceae), a true Zimbabwean endemic, only found in the larger Matobo area. More of this habitat can be explored when following the marked Arboretum Walk on the othe side of the dam. Among the dominating rock-loving species like Commiphora marlothii (Burseraceae) and Ficus glumosa (Moraceae), interesting herbaceous species can be found such as Cleome oxyphylla (Capparaceae), Barleria albostellata (Acanthaceae) or the extraordinary stapeliad Orbea caudata subsp. rhodesiaca (Asclepiadaceae). The campsite at the dam, apart from the wide scala of indigenous plants, also has some interesting and unusual aliens such as the strange tree Parkinsonia aculeata (Caesalpiniaceae) and Ambrosia maritima (Asteraceae), which until recently had only been recorded from the Eastern Division.

Useful links

View a list of records for Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park

View a list of unique taxa (excluding cultivated plants) for Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park

View a list of unique taxa (all taxa whether cultivated or not) for Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park

View map showing records

View a list of recorders who have visited this location

Flora of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Location details: Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park.
https://www.drcongoflora.com/speciesdata/location-display.php?location_id=19, retrieved 18 October 2024

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