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Perennial herb with entire, opposite leaves. Inflorescences subspherical, elongating to become cylindric, subtended (in ours) by a pair of sessile leaves. Bracts present, persistent in fruit. Flowers bisexual, each solitary in the axil of each bract. Bracteoles 2, laterally flattened, winged (in ours) along the dorsal surface of the midrib. Tepals 5, erect, free or almost so, ± lanate on the back. Stamens 5. Seeds ovoid, flattened. Derivation of name: ancient classical name for an amaranth. Worldwide: c. 120 species in tropical and warm America and Australia, naturalised in the Old World tropics. DRC: 1 taxon. |
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celosioides Mart. | Description, Image |
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